Finding Lightness
Yogarise Peckham
22nd July 2-4pm
Yogarise Peckham
22nd July 2-4pm
Exploring both the physical and mental aspects of how to become lighter in our yoga asana. Mentally we investigate the process of 'progression' without becoming attached to the results of our asana. Physically we play with how core stability, the bandhas and Spontaneous, Integrated, Grounded, Spacious movement can help us develop a sense of lightness in our practice.
Have you ever looked at a well practiced yoga teacher or another yogi in class and wondered how they seem to move so gracefully between poses? How they seem to float though their transitions without any effort? Chances are that they have a deep and mindful understanding of their body, where it is in space and how move it through and hold it in that space most efficiently.
Following several years working with his MAPs system of understanding asana, this will be the first time that Dan rolls out his new 'SIGnS' methodology. SIGnS aims to help us remove the subconscious, inefficient and often damaging movement patterns that we bring into our asana practice and replace them with a much more efficient, fluid and dynamic way of moving
Dan has been 'having a bit of a stretch and sitting quietly' for over twenty years. He calls his way of practising 'Yoga Like Water' and it is without doubt one of the UK's most groundbreaking yoga teacher trainings right now. Approaching the way that yoga is taught and practiced from an entirely new angle, Yoga Like Water works from the basis that there is no separation whatsoever between 'yoga' and life. Expect to learn equally from traditional pranayama and freediving breath techniques; asana and slackline skills; meditation and the flow state; Patanjali and Krishnamurti.
If you wish to book for a friend (i.e more than one space), please email us: [email protected].
£25 for 2 hours
Booking link here