Yoga Like Water:
Teacher Training and Immersion Course
Many people want to deepen their practice but feel that a teacher training is the only way to go about it, which isn't true. The reality is that there is a glut of yoga teachers, many of them have very little experience of self-practice and half empty classes. Simply wanting a teaching qualification as a means to make extra money is a very poor motivation for taking this course. However we do understand that many people will sensibly want to add this option at the same time as delving deeper into their own journey.
The 'Yoga Like Water' courses provide a deep immersion into yoga for yogis, existing teachers or those wishing to teach with a much deeper understanding of yoga. It encourages self discovery, inner exploration as well as pushing the boundaries of understanding your existing physical and spiritual practice. We want you to discover your own path in yoga, not simply take on someone else's ideas and pass them on. The course offers a very 'hands on' approach. You will be encouraged to get involved, offer your own opinions and develop your own style of practice and teaching right from the start. If you are happy with not being spoon fed other peoples ideas and beliefs then this might well be the course for you! We have never believed that a piece of paper can qualify anyone to teach yoga to others. No qualification can never replace your own dedicated self practice and understanding of yoga-after all if you don't understand your own practice how can you expect to help anyone else understand theirs? In our Yoga alliance Professional recognised immersion, you will not be restricted to any style or method of teaching, in fact we want you to develop your own style as a yoga 'guide' and moreover we want you to encourage others to follow their own inner teachers as well. Course FormatThe course covers all the basics of the eight limbs of yoga, yet will also go much deeper and incorporate a wide variety of teachers - passionate about their particular field of expertise. From specialists in various fields of yoga from breath to partner work, through to physiology, anatomy and mindfulness meditation instructors. Our aim is that everyone on the close will explore yoga for themselves and take with them what most people would class as advanced teaching skills, but what we consider to be the fundamental skills of a good teacher or practitioner.
Yoga Like Water is without doubt one of the UK's most groundbreaking yoga teacher trainings right now. Approaching the way that yoga is taught and practiced from an entirely new angle, we believe that there should be no separation between 'yoga' and life. Expect to explore the eight limbs of yoga from every angle imaginable:
'Absorb what is useful; reject what is useless and add what is specifically your own' - Bruce Lee This liberated approach to practice and teaching attracts both new and existing teachers to an ever expanding tribe of truly inspiring 'yoga facilitators' whose only passion is to spread this freedom of exploration to their students. |